aix/370 async. term help request

Fri Mar 30 00:08:24 AEST 1990

On Wed, 28 Mar 90 16:21:00 CST <UCCXKVB at OSUCC> said:
The best way to get details on this is to get information from your
IBM rep (don't ask for a verbal explanation; ask for WRITTEN documentation.
There are actually some very good explanations!)

>How do you attach an asynch. network to the AIX?

A PS/2 running AIX serves as an asynchronous front end terminal server.
Think of it as an asynchronous controller. It can actually RUN many of
the terminal intensive applications for the AIX/370 such as editors.
 Limitation: only 16 sessions per PS/2, but you can add up to 30 of them
  depending on your hardware config.
 Limitation 2: You have to work through the details of connecting the
  PS/2 's to the 3090. THis is a Transparent Computing Facility set-up.
  We intend to use ethernet. Your choice may be different.

>We would also like to do AIX/370 from a 3270 terminal.
>Is this possible in full screen mode or is only available
>in line mode.
Right now, 3270 connection is not possible AT ALL.

>The IBM FTN last November discussing AIX/370 and TCF mentioned that
>doing vi on the 3090 was very compute intensive since the 370
>architecture does not handle UNIX full screen applications very well.
>How much of a resource drain are such UNIX full screen applications?
>How much of a resource drain is AIX in general (just to have it up
>and running.  Other comments are also appreciated.)
  You do NOT want a 3090 stopping its work to field an interrupt containing
a single character. For many users this becomes a VERY EXPENSIVE terminal
controller; therefore the use of the PS/2 to provide terminal connection and
TCF to do block transfers into the compute engine. In fact, vi can be
configured to run on the PS/2 and never on the 370, while the cc runs on
the 3090. The file system is a single image between the two.

 These are short interpretations of the documents. Again, your best bet
to answer YOUR SPECIFIC questions is to get the definitive documentation.

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