XLC optimizer error

jim frost madd at world.std.com
Wed Sep 26 08:36:46 AEST 1990

P Asselin writes:
>In article <384 at nwnexus.WA.COM> golder at nwnexus.WA.COM (Warren Jones)
>>  [ gives a short Fortran program that optimizes incorrectly ]
>>Incidentally -- does anyone know if all the XL languages (including
>>C and Pascal) use the same optimizer?  Until I'm sure of the
>>answer, I'm not using the C optimizer either.
>Well, I transliterated your example to C and got the same behaviour.
>  [code deleted]

I tested further and found that `m' wasn't necessary (it also wasn't
optimized out, strangely).  `test' is necessary, although it *is*
optimized out.  `b' is necessary and is kept up-to-date although it
isn't really used by the code.  The resultant function (as minimal as
I could get it) is:

-- cut here --
#include <stdio.h>

    int b, i, k, n;
    int test;

    test= 1;
    i= k= 0;

    do {
        if(test) {
            for(n= 0; n<3; n++) {
              b= k+1;
            printf("k= %d,  k-1= %d\n", k, k-1);
    } while(i<2);
-- cut here --

cc -O bug.c yields (for you assembler weenies):

-- cut here --
(main)          mflr    r0              # prologue
(main+0x4)      mfcr    r12
(main+0x8)      stm     r27,-20(r1)
(main+0xc)      st      r12,0x4(r1)
(main+0x10)     st      r0,0x8(r1)
(main+0x14)     stu     r1,-96(r1)

# k is r27, i is r28, b is r29

(main+0x18)     lil     r27,0x0         # k= 0;
(main+0x1c)     oril    r28,r27,0x0     # i= 0;
(main+0x20)     ai      r29,r27,0x1     # b= k + 1
(main+0x24)     l       r30,0xc(r2)
(main+0x28)     lil     r31,0x3
(main+0x2c)     oril    r5,r27,0x0      # 3rd print parm is k (zero)
(main+0x30)     ai      r28,r28,0x1     # i++;
(main+0x34)     mtctr   r31

(main+0x38)     oril    r27,r29,0x0
(main+0x3c)     ai      r29,r27,0x1
(main+0x40)     bdnge   0x10000310 (main+0x38)  # forloop
(main+0x44)     oril    r3,r30,0x0
(main+0x48)     oril    r4,r27,0x0
(main+0x4c)     cmpi    cr4,r28,0x2             # test for do loop
(main+0x50)     bl      0x10000378 (printf)
(main+0x54)     l       r2,0x14(r1)
                                                # } while (i < 2);
(main+0x58)     bge     4,0x10000344 (main+0x6c)# return

# bug -- r5 (k - 1) is not updated following the for loop but rather in the do
# loop, thus is off by two

(main+0x5c)     oril    r5,r27,0x0              # 2nd printf parm is k - 1
(main+0x60)     ai      r28,r28,0x1             # i++;
(main+0x64)     mtctr   r31                     # reset for loop counter; this
                                                # is unnecessary since we
                                                # could branch to
forloop - 4.
(main+0x68)     b       0x10000310 (main+0x38)  # forloop

(main+0x6c)     l       r0,0x68(r1)
(main+0x70)     l       r12,0x64(r1)
(main+0x74)     ai      r1,r1,0x60
(main+0x78)     mtlr    r0
(main+0x7c)     mtcrf   0x8,r12
(main+0x80)     lm      r27,-20(r1)
(main+0x84)     br
-- cut here --

Thus this code really implements:

-- cut here --
    int b, i, j, k, n;
    int test;

    test= 1;
    i= j= k= 0;
    b= k + 1;

    do {
        for(n= 0; n<3; n++) {
              k= b;
              b= k+1;
        printf("k= %d,  k-1= %d\n", k, j);
        j= k; /* bug! */
    } while(i<2);
-- cut here --

Notes: r29, which stores variable `b', is unnecessary and should have
been optimized out, leaving only `k++' in the for loop.  An `si'
instruction should have been inserted before the printf instead of
trying to move the assignment of the 3rd print parameter outside of
the for loop.

I'm submitting this problem report to IBM (others may already have
done so as well), maybe we'll see it get fixed.

Happy hacking,

jim frost
saber software
jimf at saber.com

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