HELP! VRM-Debugger

moody at moody at
Tue Sep 18 07:08:34 AEST 1990

In article <4 at> fozzy at (Fozzy C. Dressel) writes:
>Please, please HELP !
[stuff deleted]

>And NOBODY could tell me the parameters for the cpy/instf-command of the
>VRM-Debugger to save my partitions or single files on it.
You can get more information on each command available in VMF (VRM MAINTENANCE
FACILITY) by entering the command name followed by '?'.
Doing that gives something like

cpy device block# device block# number_of_blocks

I will give you an example of how to copy hd0 to diskette....
This assumes you 2400 sectors per diskette.

cpy iodn 0 4 0 2400

where iodn is the minidisk iodn of hd0.  4 is the iodn of the diskette drive.
After copying a diskette's worth of data, change diskettes and enter

cpy iodn 2400 4 0 2400

This will copy starting at sector 2400.

You may be able to use hd0 as the iodn argument but I can't remember.

James Moody				aesnet:moody at
Advanced Workstations Division		vnet: MOODY at AUSVMQ
Austin, Tx				zip:3401	  

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