
jim frost madd at world.std.com
Tue Sep 4 05:02:13 AEST 1990

jfc at athena.mit.edu (John F Carr) writes:
>The other error was just 1501-230 without any other explanatory text.

This sounds like the internal error you get when you set up bsdcc as
mentioned in the bsdport document.  If you do this, remove the
switches that tell it to use /lib/cpp.  That preprocessor internal
errors if a #pragma alloca is contained in the source.  The builtin
preprocessor does not.

>A few comments on the compiler: 
>1. It uses the most memory of any compiler I've seen.

The linker uses immense amounts of memory too (one person I know
needed 70Mb of swap just to link his 10Mb executable).  This stuff
really needs to be tuned.

jim frost
saber software
jimf at saber.com

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