X11R4 xterm problem

Jeff W. Boote boote at bierstadt.scd.ucar.edu
Fri Sep 28 09:32:40 AEST 1990

    I ported X11R4 to the 6000 and I'm having a problem with xterm.  Every
once in a while I get the following error mesg:

Warning: no access to tty; thus no job control in this shell...

And true to the error mesage I have all kinds of problems with that shell.
It almost acts like I have two shells that keep swapping back and 
forth without any warning.  Has anyone else seen this message or have any
idea what I can do to fix it?  Is this a system configuration problem/ an
R4 problem or what?

Also of concern: R4 xload gives me the following error:

xload: cannot get name list from /unix

I would be most appreciative of any and all help/comments/suggestions on
these two problems.  Email unless you feel it would be of general interest.
I will summerize and post if there is interest.

Jeff W. Boote                    NCAR/SCD
boote at ncar.ucar.edu           Boulder, Colo

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