SGI GL applications on Risc6000's

Bruce Johnson johnson at
Fri Jan 4 03:29:43 AEST 1991

We have a couple of Risc6000's for which we purchased the SGI GL
hardware/software options, and I have just started to port some
small 3D graphics programs.  (Watching the net, I see that there
have only been a couple requests for info, but not much response.)

One difference that came up immediately was in opening a window
from a program w/o first specifying height and width.  On an SGI
machine control of the window size defaults to the mouse, but not
so on the IBM.  Instead a small icon is created which can be zoomed
to full screen, but this is not particularly convenient.

Is anybody familiar with this?  Should I be digging deep into an
AIXWindows manual/info-session in an attempt to find an indirect
hint?  What would be especially helpful would be a GL-porting-guide,
but I have not been able to track down such a beast.  Does it exist?

On a tangent, someone asked a while back about sincos from SGI not
existing on IBM.  I see gl_sincos is referenced in the fortran and c
include files in /usr/lpp/ibmgl/examples (provided the latter is
installed).  Don't know if that will be of any use.

Thanks in advance

				Bruce Johnson
			  Chemistry Dept, Rice Univ
			    johnson at

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