X11R4 twm menu color problem and a few others on RS6000.

Ronald S Woan woan at exeter.austin.ibm.com
Thu May 16 13:25:08 AEST 1991

In article <1991May16.001316.5190 at leland.Stanford.EDU> fangchin at elaine42.Stanford.EDU (Chin Fang) writes:
>(1) is it true that IBM's R3 server can not use rgb.txt from R4?
>    for instance, BlanchedAlmond is not understood by IBM X server.

I thought it could... I don't remember a table format change... Aren't
you supposed to run rgb on the file or something to generate the

>(2) when you run twm, how can you make menu entries show up right after the 
>    menu pop up?  I have to drag the ptr down to make them visible.  Besides,
>    If I pop up a submenu, once it's gone, the parent menu is botched. ie, 
>    there is a block of plain color, unless I drag the ptr over that area 
>    again.

This is fixed in the 3005 update... I think the problem only cropped
up in the 3003 version.

>(3) how about fonts?  Does the R3 server understand all Standard R4 fonts?
>    I haven't covert them yet.  Before I do, I like to hear others' experience
>    I do know that even people at Saber Software complain about some font
>    related problems at their site.  

They should, but I have heard that there are problems in 3005 and
maybe some of the earlier versions, as well, even with some of the
non-IBM fonts shipped.
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+ Ronald S. Woan                woan at cactus.org or woan at austin.vnet.ibm.com +
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