Xorting out X compatibility on the RS/6000

KAREN COLLINSON kacollin at orion.cair.du.edu
Tue May 21 05:23:03 AEST 1991

I am trying to sort out version compatibility for X on the RS/6000.

Is Rel 4 compatibility available or scheduled for release any time

What is Dan Greening's client/lib patch?  

An SE at IBM has told me that the a new Xstation will be REL 4 
compatible, but the RS/6000 will remain REL 3. Is this possible?
I thought the X server for the Xstations was the RS/6000.

What sort of problems will I have trying to run REL 4
clients on an REL 3 compatible RS/6000? What types of error 
messages are most common?

Finally, does MIT's X11 REL 4 support the RS/6000 yet?


Thomas Richardson
c/o: kacollin at orion.cair.du.edu
(303) 969-3309

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