Taking memory out of an RS/6000

Chin Fang fangchin at elaine54.Stanford.EDU
Thu May 30 13:05:43 AEST 1991

In article <1991May30.002443.192 at ugc.uucp> geoff at ugc.uucp (Geoff Coleman) writes:
>In article <1991May29.061523.7008 at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> shair at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Bob Shair) writes:
>>My first computer had 2000 6-bit words.  Doesn't seem
>>THAT long ago.  Anyone want to place bets on when the 
>>first operating system which won't boot in 1GB RAM will
>>be shipped?
>>Bob Shair                          shair at chgvmic1.vnet.ibm.com
>>Scientific Computing Specialist    SHAIR at UIUCVMD (bitnet)
>>IBM Champaign
>	Nope but I sure will bet on which company will come up with it :-)
You know the answer, I know the answer and he knows the answer.  The company's
name is spelled as I?M [ middle char left out so their attonies won't be 
able to nail me :-). BTW, if they happen to know regexp, I would change my 
face to :-( ]

Have a nice day.

Chin Fang
Mechanical Engineering Department
Stanford University
fangchin at leland.stanford.edu

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