A2410 (TIGA) card for 3000UX

Jason Patterson s000623 at kowande.bu.oz.au
Thu Mar 7 15:38:20 AEST 1991

I was just wondering whether anyone has heard anything about the A2410 graphics card (ie: TIGA card). The last I heard was that it might be released in March? Is this correct, or was that just wishful thinking???

Also, does anyone know whether this Card would drive a DEC monitor (say from a DecStation 2100 for example)?

And while I'm here, does anyone know whether the current X server (I have an A3000/UX with Beta3j) supports this card properly (ie: color, 3D OPEN LOOK, etc, etc.)

If anyone knows anything about any of these issues, would you please email (or post) me something as I'm just sitting around waiting for the A2410 to be released, with proper X support etc).

Many Thanks...

Jason Patterson

EMAIL: s000623 at kowande.bu.oz.au
   OR  s000623 at sand.sics.bu.oz.au

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