HFS library for AUX (part 1 of 2)

William Roberts liam at cs.qmc.ac.uk
Tue Aug 16 02:55:50 AEST 1988

#         This is a shar archive.
#         Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#         Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#! /bin/sh
#  shar:  Shell Archiver
#         Run the following with /bin/sh to create:
#             README
#             README.ptab
#             Makefile
#             copyright
#             document
#             maccopy.1
#             macls.c.patch
# This archive created: Mon Aug 15 17:54:16 WET DST 1988
echo shar: extracting "README" '('1999 chars')'
if test -f README
    echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "README"
This is the first version of an A/UX library for reading HFS
disk partitions. It was written by Matthew Kempthorne-Ley-Edwards
for the Department of Computer Science at Queen Mary College,
and is supplied as a library of routines plus some include files.

There are two example programs:

        maccopy - copies a MacOS file from the HFS disk to A/UX
        macls   - like ls but operates on the HFS partition

Unfortunately macls is essentially just the Berkeley "ls"
program and therefore cannot be distributed to non-source
licencees: it is therefore included as a context-diff file
suitable for use with patch.

Fortunately, the library works but providing a Mac equivalent
of all of the read-only file system calls, namely

        open read write lseek stat lstat close
        opendir telldir seekdir rewinddir closedir readdir

and the stdio routines

        fopen fseek fread fwrite fclose rewind ftell

together with .h files that redefine the world so that your
program uses the Mac versions rather than the AUX versions. If
you look at the patches for macls then you will see that it
basically cuts out some things we didn't know that A/UX could
do (isatty) and sticks in the right include files, amongst
others "macdir.h". Everything else is completely standard.

For those that want both HFS and AUX, there is an include file
"undodefs.h" which removes these helpful #defines: it is then
up to you to call Mac_X for each routine. For an example, see
the maccopy routine.

THIS IS A PRELIMINARY VERSION - more will be done.

However, you can help us by sending any bug {reports,fixes} to

        aux at qmc-cs.UUCP

together with any suggestions for improvements or additional
information that is needed so that we can WRITE to HFS. The
file "document" contains the information we currently have
about the HFS disk data structures, together with a summary of
what else we need to know...

Hope this is useful to you - please feel free to pass it on
(see the copyright file though).
if test 1999 -ne `wc -c < README`
    echo shar: error transmitting "README" '('should be 1999 chars')'
    echo README
echo shar: extracting "README.ptab" '('358 chars')'
if test -f README.ptab
    echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "README.ptab"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > README.ptab
In order to use the maccopy and macls utilities,
the MacOS partition on the hard disk must be accessible as a
device. A suitable ptab entry is


which associates the MacOS partition with /dev/dsk/c0d0s16
Such an entry can be generated by

	/etc/pname -c 0 -d 0 -s 16 -t Apple_HFS MacOS

(Or at least, I think that was what we did...)
if test 358 -ne `wc -c < README.ptab`
    echo shar: error transmitting "README.ptab" '('should be 358 chars')'
    echo README.ptab
echo shar: extracting "Makefile" '('1205 chars')'
if test -f Makefile
    echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "Makefile"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > Makefile
# Makefile for Apple mac - unix filestores
#       programs
#               macls, maccopy
#       Written by
#       Matthew Kempthorne-Ley-Edwards
#            Devonshire House
#               34c Gyllyng St.
#                  Falmouth
#                    Cornwall
#                       TR11 3EL
# (c) 1988 Queen Mary College, University of London

CFLAGS  =       -g

GOBJS   =       extents.o fcb.o rootblock.o bstar.o unixdir.o stat.o \

GSRCS   =       extents.c fcb.c rootblock.c bstar.c unixdir.c stat.c \

SRCS    =       $(GSRCS) macls.c maccopy.c

OBJS    =       $(GOBJS) macls.o maccopy.o

LIBS    =

all     :       libhfs.a macls maccopy

extents.o fcb.o rootblock.o bstar.o : disc.h
unixdir.o stat.o                : macdir.h disc.h
files.o                         : macfile.h macdir.h disc.h
macls.o                         : macfile.h macdir.h disc.h
maccopy.o                       : macfile.h macdir.h disc.h

$(GOBJS)   :    $(GSRCS)

libhfs.a:       ${GOBJS}
	ar ru libhfs.a $?

macls:  macls.o libhfs.a
	cc ${CFLAGS} -o macls macls.o libhfs.a ${LIBS}

maccopy:  maccopy.o libhfs.a
	cc ${CFLAGS} -o maccopy maccopy.o libhfs.a ${LIBS}
if test 1205 -ne `wc -c < Makefile`
    echo shar: error transmitting "Makefile" '('should be 1205 chars')'
    echo Makefile
echo shar: extracting "copyright" '('515 chars')'
if test -f copyright
    echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "copyright"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > copyright
 * A/UX HFS library. Version 1.0
 * Copyright: Matthew Kempthorne-Ley-Edwards, August 1988
 * for  Department of Computer Science
 *      Queen Mary College
 *      London  E1 4NS
 *      UK
 * This software is provisional and carries no guarantee of fitness
 * for any purpose. It may be freely copied provided this copyright
 * message included in any such distribution. It may not be sold or
 * incorporated into any product without prior permission of both
 * the author and Queen Mary College.
if test 515 -ne `wc -c < copyright`
    echo shar: error transmitting "copyright" '('should be 515 chars')'
    echo copyright
echo shar: extracting "document" '('19867 chars')'
if test -f document
    echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "document"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > document

The Macintosh Filestore Layout.

This document is split into 3 sections, and is basically a reference document.

        Section 1               Disc layout ( of sectors )

        Section 2               How to read files

        Section 3               About BStar trees

        Section 4               The Dir tree file & entries

        Section 5               Things not yet known

The information herein was derived from pages IV-160 to IV-174 of
        the Inside Macintosh books ( Volume IV ).
        ( With some calculated guess work )

############################## SECTION 1 ################################

                                Disc Layout

        1.1 - What sectors hold what info.
        1.2 - What info is stored about the disc ( in sector block 2 )

        The normal discs ( floppys and hard disc ) use 512 byte sectors
        and  1 sector per allocation block ( ie the allocation size is the
        same as the sector size of 512 bytes )

#1.1    The disc is split into 4 sections as shown below.

        Block 0 |               |
                |  System Start |
                +-             -+       Used for mac boot etc.
        Block 1 |  info         |
                |               |
        Block 2 | Volume info   |       Information about the disc (See 1.2)
                | - - - - - - - |
        Block 3 |               |       Bit map holding 1 for used allocation
          .     | Disc Usage    |                       0 if unused
                |  Bit map      |
         a-1    | - - - - - - - |
          a     | Allocation    |       The disc is then considered as
          .     |       0       |       Allocation blocks of 'n' sectors
          .     +---------------+       each, starting at sector 'a',
         a+n    | Allocation    |       and ending at block 'max'
          .     |       1       |
          .     +---------------+
         a+2n   | Allocation    |
          .     |       2       |       'a' is 'drAlBlSt'
          .     +---------------+                       ( see 1.2 )
         a+3n   | Allocation    |       'max' is 'drNmAlBlks'
          .     |       3       |
          .     +---------------+       'n' is 'drAlBlkSiz'/SECTORSIZE
          .     |               |
          .     |               |
          .     |               |
          .     |               |
          .     |               |
          .     | Last Allocatn |
                | Block (max)   |

#1.2                    Volume information sector

          This is a sector which holds information used in reading
        and writing to/from the disc.

        Byte in sector (Length) Name                    Use
                0       2       drSigWord       always $4244 ( check bytes )
                2       4       drCrDate        time of formatting
                6       4       drLsMod         time of last write
                10      2       drAtrb          Disc Locked flags
                12      2       drNmFls*        Number of files in dir
                14      2       drVBMSt         First block in bit map
                16      2       drAllocPtr*
                18      2       drNmAlBlks      Number of allocation blocks
                20      4       drAlBlkSiz      Allocation Block Size
                24      4       drClpSiz        Default clump size
                28      2       drAlBlst        First block in bit map
                30      4       drNxtCNID       next ID number for file/dir
                34      2       drFreeBks       Free Allocation Block count
                36      1       drVN            Volume name length
                37      -       ----            Volume name
                64      4       drVolBkUp       time of last backup
                68      2       drVSeqNum*
                70      4       drWrCnt         Volume Write Count
                74      4       drXTClpSiz      clump size for extents file
                78      4       drCTClpSiz      clump size for Dir file
                82      2       drNmRtDirs      Number of dir's in root
                84      4       drFilCnt        Number of files on disc
                88      4       drDirCnt        Number of dir's on disc
                92      32      drFndrInfo*
                124     2       drVCSize*
                126     2       drVCBMSize*
                128     2       drCtlCSize*
                130     4       drXTFlSize      Length of extents tree file
                134     12      drXTExtRec      Extents tree extents 0,1,2
                146     4       drCTFlSize      Length of CAT tree file
                150     12      drCTExtRec      Dir tree extents 0,1,2

        ( Any Entries marked with a '*' have no known details as yet )

Bytes 10/11 ( drAtrb ) has two single bit flags in it.
                Bit 7 - set if disc locked by hardware ( Read Only )
                Bit 15- set if disc locked by software

A clump is the amount of bytes added to a file space when it is extended.
  This clump is contiguous on the disc, and the larger it is, the less the
file gets fragmented ( split up on the disc ) - see file storeage.

################################ SECTION 2 ###########################

                        How to read files

NOTE: There are 2 special files, called the Dir and the Extent
        files, these hold information about all other files on the disc.

        Files can be thought of in 4 different levels,

        1 - The whole file

        2 - A continuous section of the disc ( can be many for one file )
                ( This is called an extent )

        3 - Allocation Blocks
                ( This is a group of continuous sectors on the disc )

        4 - Sectors
                ( a 512 byte chunk of the disc )

          File          Extents         Allocations      Sectors
        +-------+       +-------+       +-------+       +-------+
        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       |       |       |+ + + +|       |+ + + +|
        |       |       |Extent |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       |   0   |       |+ + + +|       |+ + + +|
        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       |+ + + +|       |+++++++|       |+++++++|
        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       |       |       |+ + + +|       |+ + + +|
        |       |       |Extent |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       |   1   |       |+ + + +|       |+ + + +|
        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       |+ + + +|       |+++++++|       |+++++++|
        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       |       |       |+ + + +|       |+ + + +|
        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       |       |       |+ + + +|       |+ + + +|
        |       |       |Extent |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       |   2   |       |+ + + +|       |+ + + +|
        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       |+++++++|       |+++++++|       |+++++++|
        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
        |       |       | etc   |       |       |       |       |

        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |

        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
        +-------+       +-------+       +-------+       +-------+

                                + + + + indicates continuous blocks
                                +++++++ indicates continued else where

        An Extent is a Start-Allocation-Block and a Number-of-Allocation-
        Blocks, So ideally, the file would be in one extent. But if there
        is not a single space that will take it, then another extent can
        be used to hold the second section ( and so on ). This extent gives
        a range of Allocation blocks ( by start number and number of blocks ),
        which then can be mapped on to a range of sectors on the disc.

         The directory and extent files have their first 3 extents
        ( Numbers 0,1 & 2 ) stored in the disc volume information.
         The normal files have their first 3 extents stored in with the
        file information in the directory entry for that file. This
        directory entry is held in the Dir file.

        If any file has more that 3 extents, then the others must be looked
        up in the extents tree file. - This is not normally required as most
        files are only 1 or 2 extents long.

        Each extent gives an area on the disc in which the file is stored,
        There is usually some left over bytes at the end, which are not used.

        A files physical length is the total bytes used on the disc, so when
        reading any file, the 'Logical length' must be used to count to the
        end of the file, so any remaining unused bytes will also be copied.

                To read the file itself, The first extent must be read.
        The first sector of the file can then be calculated from the
                drAlBlSt+ (drAlSize/SECTORLENGTH)*first_allocation_block
        Then a number of sectors can be read in, which is

        If the number of allocation blocks in the extent is zero, then it
        is unused ( and so are any futher extent records )

        This should be done for each extent, until the file is completely

    ################################# Section 3 #############################

                                About BStar trees

        BStar trees are a tree structure used to locate infomation
        keeping ALL branches to the SAME optimum length.

        Entries are searched by reference to a key, which is in
        effect a sequence of bytes used to identify a particular piece
        of information. ( Such as a directory number & file name )

        The tree is kept sorted into key order, so that the lowest
        key is at the Left hand side, and the largest key is at the
        right hand side.

        There are 2 diferent types of node in this tree, these are the
        leaf node, and the junction node.

In the junction node, there is a group of records, each record has a key
        and a pointer to another node.

In the leaf nodes, there are keys, and asociated data for the entries.

        ( All nodes have sideway links to other nodes on the same level )

        To search for a particular entry, the root node must be found.
                ( it is the only node where both sideway links are 0
        and the level>0 ).

        Then a loop can be entered doing the following

                If the node is a leaf
                search each record in node until key matches or key>record key
                        if match then FOUND else NOTFOUND

                the node is a junction, so...
                search each record in the node untill one that is greater than
                the search key is found ( or it matches )

                        Go to the node pointed to by the pointer after the entry
                        before, ie the one just_LESS_than ( or equal to ) the
                         search key.

        The stucture of a node is as follows

                byte    length  name            use
                0       4       ndFLink         sideways forward link
                4       4       ndBLink         sideways backward link
                8       1       ndType          #FF=leaf, #00=junction
                9       1       ndLevel         0=not used, 1=leaf,
                                                 2,3,4.. junction levels
                10      2       ndNRecs         Number of records in this node
                12..end                         record area

        working backwards from the end of the node, there are a set of double
        byte numbers that give the distance through the node of each record,
        and a double byte number that gives the position of any free space.

        So the record looks something like this...

        byte offset             use

                0       +---------------+
                        | ndFLink       |
                4       +---------------+
                        | ndBLink       |
                8       +---------------+
                        | ndType        |
                9       +---------------+
                        | ndLevel       |
                10      +---------------+
                        | ndNRecs       |
                12      +---------------+
                        |               |
        normally 14     +---------------+ <--------+
                        |               |          |
                        | Record 0      |          |
                        +---------------+ <------+ |  Note that the records can
                        |               |        | |  be of any different
                        | Record 1      |        | |  lengths.
                        +---------------+ <----+ | |
                        |               |      | | |
                        | Record 2      |      | | |
                        +---------------+ <--+ | | |
                        |               |    | | | |
                        | Record 3      |    | | | |
        Free Space      +---------------+ <+ | | | |
                        .               .  | | | | |
                        .               .  | | | | |
                        .               .  | | | | |
        FS pointer 502  +---------------+  | | | | |
                        | Offset        |--+ | | | |    - Free Space pointer
                504     +---------------+    | | | |
                        | Offset        |----+ | | |    - Record 3 pointer
                506     +---------------+      | | |
                        | Offset        |------+ | |    - Recore 2 pointer
                508     +---------------+        | |
                        | Offset        |--------+ |    - Record 1 pointer
                510     +---------------+          |
                        | Offset  000E  |----------+    - Record 0 pointer
        end of node     +---------------+

                ####### The junction node records of the Dir tree #######

        These seem to be accessed by a key made up from the directory number
        that an entry is in, and its name.

        Byte    example                 Use
        0       #25             Length of key
        1       #00             Not used
        2       #00000002       Dir Number
        6       #03             name length
        7       "tmp"           name in ascii

        38(#25) #00000004       node number where entry found

                followed by next record ( if any )

        When searching and comparing keys, the 4 bytes of the Dir number
        can be compared first, to give <,>, or =.
                If '=', then the name can be checked, but when doing this
        you must note that it is not case dependent, so 'c' is less than
        'D' and more than 'A'. Ie case is ignored.  All names seem to be
        padded out to 32 chars with character zero's.

             ########## SECTION 4 - Dir tree entries ###########

These are in the leaf nodes of the Dir file BSTAR tree.

        These hold directory entries and links, and these are stored as

        byte    name            use

        0       ckrKeyLen       Key length
        1       ckrResrv1*      reserved
        2       ckrParID        Owning directory ID number ( 4 bytes )
        6       ckrCName        length of name
        7                       name ( in asci bytes )

                in here there is an extra byte of #00 if it is not
        currently on a word boundary, ie... The store is padded to an even
        number of bytes with zeros, so that the following entry starts on an
        even byte boundary.

        There now follows a directory entry of one of three types.

TYPE 1  0       cdrType         =1 ( Entry is a subdirectory entry )
        1       cdrResrv2*      reserved
        2       dirFlags*       flags
        4       dirVal*         Valence
        6       dirDirID        ID of sub dir ( 4 byte number )
        10      dirCrDat        creation date
        14      dirMdDat        modification date
        18      dirBkDat        backup date
        22      dirUsrInfo*
        38      dirFndrInfo*
        54      dirResrv*

TYPE 2  0       cdrType         =2 ( Entry is a file entry )
        1       cdrResrv2*      reserved
        2       filFlags*       flags ( bit 0=1 if file locked )
        4       filUsrWds*
        20      filFlNum        FileNumber
        24      filStBlk*       First allocation block of data fork
        26      filLgLen        Logical length of data fork
        30      filPyLen        Length of data fork ( rounded up to sector )
        34      filRStBlk*      First allocation block of resource fork
        36      filRLgLen       Logical length of resource fork
        40      filRPyLen       length of resource fork to end of allocation
        44      filCrDat        creation date
        48      filMdDat        modification date
        52      filBkDat        date of last backup
        56      filFndrInfo*
        72      filClpSize      default file clump size
        74      filExtRec       first 3 extents of data fork
        86      filRExtRec      first 3 extents of resource fork
        98      filResrv*

TYPE 3  0       cdrType         =3 ( Entry is a link to parent )
        1       cdrResrv2*      reserverd
        2       thdResrv*       reserved
        10      thdParId        4 byte number of parent directory
        14      thdCName        name length
        15                      name of this directory

( Any Entries marked with a '*' have no known details as yet )

        ######################## SECTION 5 ####################

                        Unknown details

        There are a few details that I do not fully understand yet

        These are

                The finder info & reserved bytes in the directory entries

                If the dir tree nodes are 1 sector or 1 allocation_block in
                size - ( It is more likely to be allocation blocks but I am
                not certain )

                Exactly what needs updating when a new file is added to
                the disc, or removed ( erased ).

                How to find the root node of the bstar tree.
                ( At the moment, a scan of all nodes is made )

        The main points are, all of the fields marked with a '*' in this
        document, as these are created for a new file, and If are not set
        properly, then unknown things may happen.

        The inner workings of the extent file is not known.
        though its whereabouts is known. ( From volume info ).
                - This was not looked at in great detail as most files
                can be accessed without looking at this file.
                ( Unless a file write is done, of it is longer than
                3 extents in length ).


if test 19867 -ne `wc -c < document`
    echo shar: error transmitting "document" '('should be 19867 chars')'
    echo document
echo shar: extracting "maccopy.1" '('1233 chars')'
if test -f maccopy.1
    echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "maccopy.1"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > maccopy.1
.TH MACCOPY 1 "Aug 1988" QMC
maccopy \- copy files from the mac partition to unix
.B maccopy
.B macfile
] [
.B unixfile
.I Macfile
is copied onto
.IR unixfile .
Only one HFS file can be copied at a time, and it must be named in
full. If it does not live on the default HFS partition, then
.I macfile
should be the device name, a colon, and then the full path name
with folder names separated by "/", the UNIX directory
separator character. Filename parsing is generous, i.e. the
longest matching valid prefix is taken to be the directory
name, so names such as
.I "A/UX\0Startup"
will work correctly as folder names.
If any non alpha character occurs in the name, a `?' wildcard can
be used, which will match any character in that position. Note
that the
.I macfile
argument normally needs to be enclosed in single or double
quotation marks to force the correct interpretation.
/dev/dsk/c0d0s16 \(en default HFS partition.
Won't take `*' wildcards, or any name completely made up from
from `?'s. Can't copy from A/UX to HFS.
Matthew Kempthorne-Ley-Edwards
Department of Computer Science
Queen Mary College
London  E1 4NS

if test 1233 -ne `wc -c < maccopy.1`
    echo shar: error transmitting "maccopy.1" '('should be 1233 chars')'
    echo maccopy.1
echo shar: extracting "macls.c.patch" '('4107 chars')'
if test -f macls.c.patch
    echo shar: will not overwrite existing file "macls.c.patch"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > macls.c.patch
*** ls.c	Mon Aug 15 15:24:56 1988
--- macls.c	Mon Aug 15 15:09:14 1988
*** 8,13
   * 4.2bsd version for symbolic links, variable length
   * directory entries, block size in the inode, etc.
  #include <sys/param.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <sys/dir.h>

--- 8,20 -----
   * 4.2bsd version for symbolic links, variable length
   * directory entries, block size in the inode, etc.
+ #ifndef BSD
+ 	/* apple only defns */
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/sysmacros.h>
+ #define dbtob(x)	dtob(x)	/* BSD -> SYS V naming */
+ #endif
  #include <sys/param.h>
  #include <sys/dir.h>
*** 9,15
   * directory entries, block size in the inode, etc.
  #include <sys/param.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <sys/dir.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sgtty.h>

--- 16,21 -----
  #include <sys/param.h>
  #include <sys/dir.h>
  /* ******************************************* */
*** 11,16
  #include <sys/param.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <sys/dir.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sgtty.h>

--- 17,31 -----
  #include <sys/param.h>
  #include <sys/dir.h>
+ /* ******************************************* */
+ #ifndef BSD
+ #include "macdir.h"
+ #else
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #endif
+ /* ******************************************* */
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sgtty.h>
*** 14,19
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sgtty.h>
  #define	kbytes(size)	(((size) + 1023) / 1024)
  struct afile {

--- 29,36 -----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sgtty.h>
  #define	kbytes(size)	(((size) + 1023) / 1024)
  struct afile {
*** 40,46
  int	aflg, dflg, gflg, lflg, sflg, tflg, uflg, iflg, fflg, cflg, rflg = 1;
  int	qflg, Aflg, Cflg, Fflg, Lflg, Rflg;
! int	usetabs;
  time_t	now, sixmonthsago, onehourfromnow;

--- 57,63 -----
  int	aflg, dflg, gflg, lflg, sflg, tflg, uflg, iflg, fflg, cflg, rflg = 1;
  int	qflg, Aflg, Cflg, Fflg, Lflg, Rflg;
! int	usetabs = 1;
  time_t	now, sixmonthsago, onehourfromnow;
*** 63,69
  	int i;
  	struct afile *fp0, *fplast;
  	register struct afile *fp;
- 	struct sgttyb sgbuf;
  	argc--, argv++;
  	if (getuid() == 0)

--- 80,85 -----
  	int i;
  	struct afile *fp0, *fplast;
  	register struct afile *fp;
  	argc--, argv++;
  	if (getuid() == 0)
*** 72,77
  	sixmonthsago = now - 6L*30L*24L*60L*60L;
  	onehourfromnow = now + 60L*60L;
  	now += 60;
  	if (isatty(1)) {
  		qflg = Cflg = 1;
  		(void) gtty(1, &sgbuf);

--- 88,94 -----
  	sixmonthsago = now - 6L*30L*24L*60L*60L;
  	onehourfromnow = now + 60L*60L;
  	now += 60;
+ #ifdef BSD
  	if (isatty(1)) {
  		struct sgtty sgbuf;
*** 73,78
  	onehourfromnow = now + 60L*60L;
  	now += 60;
  	if (isatty(1)) {
  		qflg = Cflg = 1;
  		(void) gtty(1, &sgbuf);
  		if ((sgbuf.sg_flags & XTABS) == 0)

--- 90,97 -----
  	now += 60;
  #ifdef BSD
  	if (isatty(1)) {
+ 		struct sgtty sgbuf;
  		qflg = Cflg = 1;
  		(void) gtty(1, &sgbuf);
  		if ((sgbuf.sg_flags & XTABS) == 0)
*** 79,84
  			usetabs = 1;
  	} else
  		usetabs = 1;
  	while (argc > 0 && **argv == '-') {
  		while (**argv) switch (*(*argv)++) {

--- 98,104 -----
  			usetabs = 1;
  	} else
  		usetabs = 1;
+ #endif
  	while (argc > 0 && **argv == '-') {
  		while (**argv) switch (*(*argv)++) {
*** 624,629
  #define	NMAX	(sizeof (utmp.ut_name))
  #define SCPYN(a, b)	strncpy(a, b, NMAX)
  #define MAXUID	2048
  #define MINUID  -2		/* for nfs */
  #define MAXGID	300

--- 644,650 -----
  #define	NMAX	(sizeof (utmp.ut_name))
  #define SCPYN(a, b)	strncpy(a, b, NMAX)
+ #ifndef MAXUID
  #define MAXUID	2048
  #define MINUID  -2		/* for nfs */
*** 625,630
  #define SCPYN(a, b)	strncpy(a, b, NMAX)
  #define MAXUID	2048
  #define MINUID  -2		/* for nfs */
  #define MAXGID	300

--- 646,652 -----
  #ifndef MAXUID
  #define MAXUID	2048
+ #endif
  #define MINUID  -2		/* for nfs */
  #define MAXGID	300
if test 4107 -ne `wc -c < macls.c.patch`
    echo shar: error transmitting "macls.c.patch" '('should be 4107 chars')'
    echo macls.c.patch
#         End of shar archive
exit 0

William Roberts         ARPA: liam at cs.qmc.ac.uk  (gw: cs.ucl.edu)
Queen Mary College      UUCP: liam at qmc-cs.UUCP
LONDON, UK              Tel:  01-975 5250

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