Anyone have experience with SuperMac Appletalk card?

Russell Owen owenr at
Tue Apr 25 23:19:54 AEST 1989

	I want to print to a laserwrite from a machine running AUX.
AUX doesn't support appletalk printing.  I think it is possible to print
to a laserwriter through the serial port but this would make that printer
unavailable to the Mac OS Appletalk network machines.  SuperMac apparently
makes such a card but so far they haven't returned my phone calls.
Is anyone using such a card?  Do other people have suggestions. 
I am considering this route instead of a GatorBox for price reasons.


					Russ Owen

Russ Owen			UUCP		owen at utgpu.uucp
Toronto, Canada.		BITNET		owen at utorgpu.bitnet
				INTERNET	owen at
Disclaimer:  My opinion are unlikely to spark controversy

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