Problems with ksh when login with the console emulator under A/UX 2.0.

lamarche at lamarche at
Wed Jul 25 08:19:21 AEST 1990

When I login with the console emulator the ESC K feature of the Korn shell for
recalling previous commands does not work. Am I the only one to have this 

Also if I execute the tset command under the console emulator the screen
the two last lines. Why?

Finally the file /etc/termcap and /usr/lib/terminfo specifies li=35 for mac2.
Since the console emulator provides 37 lines why is it set like this?

| Louis Lamarche, IREQ |       lamarche at
| CP 1000, Varennes    |                 or
| QC, Canada, J3X 1S1  |  514-652-8077 (office)  514-324-2919 (home)

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