C++ on cray UNICOS??

Malcolm Slaney malcolm at Apple.COM
Wed Aug 2 02:33:18 AEST 1989

In article <12296 at super.ORG> mjt at super.UUCP (Michael J. Tighe) writes:
>I do not know of any C++ implementations for UNICOS. I doubt CRI will
>be coming out with one anytime soon. The difficulty factor depends on
>how you plan to go about it. 
I don't agree.  I've attended the last couple of Cray C Advisory Board
meetings and the C group wants to know how much interest there is in 
C++.  If enough people want it then it will become a product.

C++ is just a preprocessor.  In fact it probably runs best on a Unix
System V machine just like Unicos.  Call up your local AT&T salescritter
and ask them for a source tape.  (Didn't AT&T just announce a the new
release with multiple inheritance?  I wouldn't be surprised if this already
compiles and runs on the Cray.)

So here's the offer.  If you want C++ on the Cray send me a note and I'll
forward them all to the head of the C compiler group at Cray.  (I don't
like publishing other people's addresses.) 

Cray, its just another generic Unix box.....but boy do I love those Flops.


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