comp.unix.* results

John F Haugh II jfh at
Sun Dec 16 02:35:05 AEST 1990

In article <Dec. at> laird at (Laird J. Heal) writes:
>As the name comp.unix.wizards received more than twice as many votes as
>the name comp.unix.esoterica, the vote passed for comp.unix.wizards.  I
>will, then, send out a rmgroup message for comp.unix.internals in five
>days, together with a newgroup for comp.unix.wizards and a request to
>alias comp.unix.internals to comp.unix.wizards.

Please don't rush this too much.  As big of a mistake as the change to
c.u.internals was, let's don't commit another mistake by switching things
over too quickly.

How about -

	1).  In five days, issue a newgroup for comp.unix.wizards along
	     with a request to alias comp.unix.internals.
	2).  Wait a month and issue an rmgroup for comp.unix.internals
	     along with a reminder to perform the aliasing.

>pri=20 Chris Halpin	mitisft!halpin 				wizards

God, I feel sorry for this guy.  How does he ever get anything done
with that nice value?  Maybe he should try chfn and see if he can get
that pri= removed ...
John F. Haugh II                             UUCP: ...!!rpp386!jfh
Ma Bell: (512) 832-8832                           Domain: jfh at
"While you are here, your wives and girlfriends are dating handsome American
 movie and TV stars. Stars like Tom Selleck, Bruce Willis, and Bart Simpson."

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