Miscellaneous questions re: Microport V/AT 2.4

Mark E. Mallett mem at zinn.MV.COM
Fri Dec 2 18:53:12 AEST 1988

In article <152 at tree.UUCP> stever at tree.UUCP (Steve Rudek) writes:
>I upgraded from 2.3 to 2.4 about a month ago and I'm very happy with my system.
>For those of you who missed my earlier flames, being "happy" with Microport is
>an alien feeling for me so my satisfaction with 2.4 is especially noteworthy.
>I'm still in shock; I had come to believe that "double panic" and "Microport"
>were synonyms.

While I'm not getting as many double panics under 2.4 as I was under 2.3,
I really can't say that it's because the serial driver is better.  It's
because the system now becomes autistic if I type at a reasonable speed.
The keyboard simply refuses to function, and I have to reboot the machine
to get it back working.  This happens MUCH more often than the double
panics ever did, and with essentially the same result.  Simply unplugging
the keyboard and plugging it in is no help.

>-rwxrwxr-x   1 bin      bin        68468 Jun 25  1987 /bin/ksh
>-rwxr-x--x   1 root     sys        67742 Sep 20 02:00 /bin/ksh-v
>(1) What is the difference between these two versions of the ksh?

Good question.  My installation of 2.4 only gave me /bin/ksh, not
ksh-v.  Are there multiple version 2.4s?

>(4) It was my understanding that 2.4 was going to include *both* the "standard"
>uucp and Honey-DanBer uucp. However, I didn't receive Honey-DanBer (or, at
>least, I don't *think* I received it).

Pg R-11 of the release notes says, "Installation of HDB is described
later in these release notes."  The only mention later that I can find
is on page R-14, where it says "...you are ready to configure your HDB
system.  Before you begin this operation, you may want to print the
documentation supplied with the HDB distribution.  It is in
/usr/doc/uucp...", and gives a filename to print.  That is the last
mention of how to install HDB.  Note that it doesn't even mention that,
even if it was present, you'd have to install HDB in place of the
standard one.  That's not all.  IT ISN'T THERE.  Nor is there any such
directory as /usr/doc/uucp, let alone the documentation.  I'm glad, sort
of, that I finally gave up waiting for the 2.4 release (one of the
"three or four" upgrades that my years upgrade contract would pay for...
HAH!), and downloaded HDB from the Microport BBS at my own expense,
coast to coast, three multi-hour tries.

> Prior to the 2.4 upgrade I attempted
>to download Honey-DanBer from the Microport BBS but (a) It took a long, long
>time to download (1200 bps) and (b) when I finally got the source uncompressed
>I discovered that it, apparently, wasn't the complete package but only an
>ungrade to a previous posting--some executables appeared missing though there
>was no manifest and basically *zero* documentation.  Was 2.4 supposed to
>include Honey-DanBer?

Ditto here.  No documentation, no distribution.

Mark E. Mallett  Zinn Computer Co/ PO Box 4188/ Manchester NH/ 03103 
Bus. Phone: 603 645 5069    Home: 603 424 8129     BIX: mmallett
uucp: mem at zinn.MV.COM  (  ...{decvax|elrond|harvard}!zinn!mem   )
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