Miscellaneous questions re: Microport V/AT 2.4

Steve Rudek stever at tree.UUCP
Mon Nov 21 03:23:16 AEST 1988

I upgraded from 2.3 to 2.4 about a month ago and I'm very happy with my system.
For those of you who missed my earlier flames, being "happy" with Microport is
an alien feeling for me so my satisfaction with 2.4 is especially noteworthy.
I'm still in shock; I had come to believe that "double panic" and "Microport"
were synonyms.  2.4 is the first release that feels like a real product to me;
earlier releases were just "Betas."
I've got a miscellany of questions regarding the 2.4 release.
ls -la /bin/ksh*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 bin      bin        68468 Jun 25  1987 /bin/ksh
-rwxr-x--x   1 root     sys        67742 Sep 20 02:00 /bin/ksh-v
(1) What is the difference between these two versions of the ksh?
(2) Why does the YEAR show up for the first version while the TIME shows
up for the second? 

(3) I "upgraded" 2.3 rather than installing 2.4 from scratch.  According
to the documentation and previous postings to this group, 2.4 made some
dramatic changes to the virtual console drivers and introduced "vcon".
However, I'm evidently still using the 2.3 virtual consoles.  How do I
change to "vcon" and, based on previous bug reports, do I *want* to change
to vcon?  Also, since vcon didn't automatically install when I upgraded I'm
wondering if there might be any other 2.4 features that I haven't yet seen? 

(4) It was my understanding that 2.4 was going to include *both* the "standard"
uucp and Honey-DanBer uucp. However, I didn't receive Honey-DanBer (or, at
least, I don't *think* I received it).  Prior to the 2.4 upgrade I attempted
to download Honey-DanBer from the Microport BBS but (a) It took a long, long
time to download (1200 bps) and (b) when I finally got the source uncompressed
I discovered that it, apparently, wasn't the complete package but only an
ungrade to a previous posting--some executables appeared missing though there
was no manifest and basically *zero* documentation.  Was 2.4 supposed to
include Honey-DanBer?

(5) Is the "clocktic" patch *purely* machine dependent or can someone give
me a reasonable figure for a 12/0 machine?

(6) The 2.4 documentation says that divvy contains two "undocumented" switches:
"-u and -d" and, sure enough, the documentation then proceeds to *leave* them
basically undocumented.  It's a joke, right?  I'd like to take some space from
0s0 (root) and give it to 0s2 (user); will divvy allow me to do that *without*
requiring a reinstallation?

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