GDB under uPort sysV/386 3.0e

Luis Soltero luis at
Fri Feb 3 02:23:05 AEST 1989

Nash Panju at ..!{attcan,lsuc,utzoo,watmath,parkridge}!hcr!nash writes...
>	I am currently working on a project using the Unix V.3 on Intel
>386-based CPU's.  I need to have a useful debugger which will work
>on such systems. It should be a source debugger ( I already have adb
>and sdb ), and should be able to support the C language, although
>support of other languages (C++, Pascal and Fortran) would be

The Free software foundation has just release version 3.1 of gdb.  this new
release has implemented something call "coff encapsulation" . what this
means to you is that gdb now runs under uPort sysV/386!!!!!! the docs in the
release elude to othere gnu products now supporting coff.  mainly gas386,
gcc and ld.  i have not tried using gas and ld.  i have been using gcc 1.31
w/ out the coff encapsulation feature.  the docs state that you sould
be able to use all the gnu development tools on sysV R3 machines.

gdb is available via anonymous ftp to
if you do not have arpa access send e-mail.  i will see what i can do about 
getting you a copy.

X + gnuemacs + gdb + gcc + 386 == heaven!!


--luis at

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