Looking for compatible 286 board

Rolfe Tessem rolfe at w3vh.UU.NET
Sun May 21 00:02:35 AEST 1989

In article <11966 at grebyn.COM> johnk at grebyn.com (John Kennedy) writes:
>I have bought two 286 motherboards now, whose BIOS does not seem
>to support Dos Merge.
>Can anyone steer me to a fast (16 MHz or faster) board that they
>*know* handles uPort 2.4 okay AND Dos Merge?
When I first got Dos Merge, I had to swap out my "NoName" BIOS and replace
it with a Phoenix to get Merge to run.  Once done, no problems.

I'm still running 2.3 and Merge -- has uport released a version of Dos Merge
that runs with 2.4?

UUCP:         uunet!w3vh!rolfe 			| Rolfe Tessem
INTERNET:     rolfe at w3vh.uu.net			| P.O. Box 793
AMPRNET:      rolfe at pc.w3vh.ampr.org []| Great Barrington, MA 01230
PACKET RADIO: w3vh at wa2pvv 			| (413) 528-5966

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