Backups of Distibution Floppies

John Plocher plocher%sally at Sun.COM
Fri May 26 06:42:28 AEST 1989

In article <763 at mccc.UUCP> pjh at mccc.UUCP (Pete Holsberg) writes:
>Oh.  Other than just trying an install, is there any MSDOS program that
>you know of that could verify that the copy was successful?

Use (pre 3.2) diskcomp or any other disk compare program.  If NU advanced
has such a feature you can use it.

Under Unix I use dd to copy the disks:
	dd if=/dev/rdsk/0s24 ibs=16k of=/usr/tmp/foo
	dd of=/dev/rdsk/0s24 obs=16k if=/usr/tmp/foo

Then I checksum them and write the checksum on the disk label (for next time):

	sum -r /dev/rdsk/0s25

Any disks you got from Microport Tech Support should have the checksum
written on the label.  (Not so with distribution disks)

	| checksum                              |
	| +-------------+       disk label      |
	| |  Microport  |                       |
	| |    logo     |                       |
	| +-------------+                       |
	|                                       |

   -John Plocher

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