Complete Man Pages (was Re: UNIX Documentation)

Paul Stath prs at
Sat Jan 12 00:52:47 AEST 1991

	Although I don't see a copyright in the front of my System V
	AT&T manual, I believe that most companies would consider this
	a part of their derived works, and subject to copyright.

	But, while we are dreaming about a "universal" man system,
	how about putting all of the sources into an SCCS (RCS) file,
	and allowing the user to select/extract the system that they
	are working on.

	Something like this:

				(orig. `ls' man page)
			       (BSD) __/ \__ (SystemV)---\
			       /   \		/     \   \
			  (4.2)     (4.3)   (3.1)  (3.2)  (4.0)

			  (and so on, and so on, and so on.)
	Depending on how far down the line you are, you would probably
	extract the correct man pages for your system, as this would be
	faster than rebuilding the man page from SCCS (RCS) each time you
	wanted to look at it.

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