Harddisk size info for System V3.2/386

David B Lightstone dbl7201 at ttardis.UUCP
Fri Feb 22 09:31:01 AEST 1991

The key question which must be answered is the purpose to which
the UNIX operating system will be put.

I am using Interactive Systems System V3.2/386 version 2.0.2 as a learning
tool (for X-Windows and Unix) so I don't need a lot of storage.

I installed the system in an 80Meg partition of a 155 Meg Harddisk.

After installing the distribution software, and setting aside 12Meg
for swapping, I have about 26Meg left in the partition. 

Unless I decide to install a database manager such as Ingres or Oracle
I think I will have enough space for my purposes.

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