INFO-UNIX Digest V3#066

black at ee.UCLA.EDU black at ee.UCLA.EDU
Wed Feb 18 10:25:44 AEST 1987

> >> users should be careful 
> I was not careful enough.  But, I know it is hard for me to keep
> cool during a hot discussion using a poor  terminal through 
> a  noicy telphone line. 
> In many cases, such mistakes may be more serious than 'rm *'.

Somehow, I have a *real* hard time imagining something that one
said via e-mail that could be more serious than 'rm *'.  So, spill
the beans Yao--what exactly was it you said that was "more serious"
than removing six weeks worth of code, the root directory or last 
year's stock price database for 30,000 issues?  (All witnessed or
committed by yours truly at one point or another.)

I'm not just trying to be flippant here.  As a System Admin., I
get tired of users who keep screaming for code to hold their
hands.  If you want to talk about serious, read section 8 of
the BSD Programmer's Manual.  Those are programs where one must
closely inspect each character of the command line before hitting
return, not simply flip into vi at the end of a mail session
and reread for typos!

Look at the bright side--you could be using JCL!

Rex Black
black at                                          ARPA        
...!{ihnp4,ucbvax,sdcrdcf,trwspp}!ucla-cs!uclaee!black     UUCP

Disclaimer:  I work for the state.  States have programs, not opinions.
Ergo, the state has my programs but my opinions are mine!

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