hayes 2400 baud smartmodem and hp 9000

Bob Niland rjn at hpfcmr.HP.COM
Wed Apr 27 03:20:34 AEST 1988

re: eklund at uw-dtrl.ee.washington.edu (Mike Eklund), writes ">"

> I am attempting to connect a hayes 2400 baud modem to a modem port on
> a hp9000 (the modem board number is 27140, 6 channels) model 500.

Are you using a 92219Q cable between the patch panel and the modem?
This cable has unusual pinouts, necessary to change what is normally a
DCE connection at the panel into a full DTE connection at the modem.

> I eventually plan to use this modem with uucp so any hints about hp-ux uucp
> quirks would also be appreciated.  Thanks for the assistance

The Hayes 2400 is not "Hayes Compatible".  This is no joke.  The 2400
does not have switches, and the command set was "improved" from the 1200.
The 2400 baud modem we suggest for use on the Series 500 is the U.S.
Robotics Courier 2400, which IS Hayes compatible.  Nonetheless...

I am told that the Hayes 2400 can be made to work with the HP-UX dialit.c
routine, if some changes are made.  I am mailing you a copy of those changes.

One of the systems I manage is a Series 500 system with modems on it.  Here
are the relevant sample details of that configuration.  Some of this is
sloppy, but this system is little used and about to be shut down.


d1:2:respawn:/etc/getty ttyd1 X 180     ;# Modem (USR2400)
d2:2:respawn:/etc/getty ttyd2 X 180     ;# Modem (USR2400)
d3:2:respawn:/etc/getty ttyd3 U 180 	;# Modem (HP 37212A)


0# B300  SANE CS8 # B300  SANE CS8 IXANY #login: #U
U# B1200 SANE CS8 # B1200 SANE CS8 IXANY #login: #0
Y# B1200 SANE CS8 # B1200 SANE CS8 IXANY #login: #X
X# B2400 SANE CS8 # B2400 SANE CS8 IXANY #login: #Y

ll /dev/*d1 /dev/*2 /dev/*3

crw-rw-rw-   1 root     other     29 0x0e0001 Jul  1  1987 /dev/cuad1
crw-rw-rw-   1 root     other     29 0x0e0101 Jul  1  1987 /dev/cuad2
crw-rw-rw-   1 root     other     29 0x0e0201 Jul  1  1987 /dev/cuad3
crw-rw-rw-   1 root     other     29 0x0e0001 Jul  1  1987 /dev/culd1
crw-rw-rw-   1 root     other     29 0x0e0101 Jul  1  1987 /dev/culd2
crw-rw-rw-   1 root     other     29 0x0e0201 Jul  1  1987 /dev/culd3
crw--w--w-   1 root     other     29 0x0e0000 Jul  1  1987 /dev/ttyd1
crw--w--w-   1 root     crm       29 0x0e0100 Aug 17  1987 /dev/ttyd2
crw--w--w-   1 root     other     29 0x0e0200 Jan 27 02:22 /dev/ttyd3


DIR culd1 0 2400
ACUHP92205A culd1 cuad1 2400
DIR culd3 0 1200
ACUHP37212A culd3 cuad3 1200
DIR culd1 0 1200
ACUHP92205A culd1 cuad1 1200


/usr/lib/uucp/L.sys  <heavily edited>

hpxyzzy Any,5 ACUHP37212A 1200 2263800 "" @@ gin:-BREAK-gin:- at -gin:-BREAK-gin:- at -gin:-BREAK-gin:- at -gin: hpmine ssword: joshua
hpxyzzy Any,5 ACUHP92205A 1200 2263800 "" @@ gin:-BREAK-gin:- at -gin:-BREAK-gin:- at -gin:-BREAK-gin:- at -gin: hpmine ssword: joshua


hpxyzzy,hpxyzzy /
uucp, /
, /

Regards,                                              Hewlett-Packard
Bob Niland                                            3404 East Harmony Road
ARPA:rjn%hpfcrjn at hplabs.HP.COM                        Fort Collins
UUCP:[ihnp4|hplabs]!hpfcla!rjn                        CO               80525

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