Mach OS - NeXT computer

john ralls jrll at Portia.Stanford.EDU
Thu Dec 8 13:52:47 AEST 1988

In article <17735 at adm.BRL.MIL>>@adm.BRL.MIL writes:
>I am considering the purchase of a UN*X mini called NeXT.  It runs a BSD4.3
>compatable OS known as Mach.  Does anyone have any experiance either with the 
>machine or the Mach OS?  If so, any recommendations, remarks, observations,
>etc. would be appreciated.

First, you're not likely to get a NeXT.  Their plan is to sell only to
selected Universities, and the Army doesn't qualify.  They _may_
have a commercial version out in a year or two; Jobs has been evasive
about that so far.  Too bad, it seems from press accounts to be a nice

Second, unless one of the Beta testers sees this, no one will be able to
relate any real experience, since NeXT won't ship until spring.

Why don't you get a Sun?


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