relationship between uucico and stty

Mario Dorion mdorion at cmtl01.UUCP
Wed Dec 7 01:13:01 AEST 1988

I have a question about the relationship between uucico and stty.

Let's suppose we do have uucp sites A and B which talk to each other via a
dial-up line using standard 1200/2400 modems. Both are system V sites and are
using HDB's UUCP.

Suppose machine A is calling machine B with uucico. The stty parameters of the
B side of the line will be set according to the /etc/gettydefs entry correspon-
ding to the /etc/inittab line for that tty port.

My question is: What does set the stty parameters for the calling side???

Merci a l'avance :-)
     Mario Dorion              | E-mail: mdorion at X02.UUCP 
     XIOS Systems              |         ...uunet!attcan!cmtl01!X02!mdorion
     Montreal, Canada          |
     1 (514) 744-3410          | No thanks, no penguin, I already got one!

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