Will X Windows be standard part

carroll at snail.CS.UIUC.EDU carroll at snail.CS.UIUC.EDU
Thu Feb 4 12:26:00 AEST 1988

	I disagree. I have used both layers and SunView quite a bit, and
SunView is far superior in both utility and power. Some of the reasons are:

1. You can telnet out of a SV window. Telnet hangs in a layer.
2. You can have about as many SV windows as you want. Only 6 layers.
3. You may belittle speed, but waiting 7 or 10 minutes for layer program
   to load is very irritating.
4. Being able to icon-ify windows in SV is wonderful...I can put things that
   that I don't need all the time in  little icons, and grab them when they
   are useful.
5. "toolplaces" in SV : this lets me set up my windows the way I want,
   without having to calculate screen positions.
6. When you exit a shell in a SV window, the  window closes. In layers, it
   just sits there, unusable.
7. Support programs. The  SunView support is vastly superior, such as
   the icon editor, font editor, mail, etc.

Overall, SunView is just so much better integrated that it is far more
useable. And I don't know about your version of layers, but ours is
chock full of bugs, particularly ones that cause layers to become confused
where the output of a layer goes.

(Equipment : 3b2/310, SysVR3, DMD/5620 vs. Sun 3/50, 4.2BSD)

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