
Mike Wescott wescott at sauron.Columbia.NCR.COM
Sun Jan 31 06:49:30 AEST 1988

> Was I the only recipient of the information that you can get cron to
> accept new data in a particular crontab file by:
> 1) cd /usr/spool/cron/crontabs
> 1a) cp root root.bk  (skip this if you never make mistakes :-)
> 2) ed root
> 3) make changes, write, quit
> 4) crontab root
> 5) cd back_to_where_you_started

No. Don't do that.  Use the "crontab -l" to get a copy
to edit:

1) crontab -l > Crontab
2) ed Crontab
3) make changes, write, quit
4) crontab Crontab

Much safer.  Works for anybody that has permission to use cron.
You don't need to be superabuser to use.  Crontabs are usually 
-r--r--r-- and owned by root.
	-Mike Wescott
	 wescott at ncrcae.Columbia.NCR.COM

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