Copying directory trees from U*NX to DOS

Mohamed Ellozy mohamed at
Fri Jul 15 06:52:51 AEST 1988

When our users close accounts they often want a backup of their stuff.
No problem, tar it off and sell them the tape.

We are now, for better or for worse, in the age of the PC.  Hence many
of our users are asking us to back up their accounts to diskettes (DOS
only so far).

We have a PC clone on our Ethernet, so the actual physical transfer of
files is no problem.  But what is the best way to get large parts of
the directory tree down?  Also, how do you deal with filenames on U*NX
which will map to the same name on DOS, e. g. and will both give longname.dat.  Also how do you deal with
non-ascii files?

Surely there are places where this is done on a routine basis.  I would
like to hear both suggestions based on thinking and actual experience.
The latter would be especially welcome.


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