Should I use FIFO's or Message queues ?

Steinar Overbeck Cook steinar at fdmetd.uucp
Fri Jun 16 18:16:54 AEST 1989

I'm currently writing an application which consists of a server and
several clients.

What is the best method to use for IPC ?. Should I use message queues,
shared memory and semaphores or should I use FIFO's ?

The requirements are speed and serialization.

Please E-mail any answers, I will post a summary if there is any
interest for this question.

Steinar Overbeck Cook, Fellesdata a.s, P.O. Box 248, 0212 OSLO 2, NORWAY
Phone : +47 2 52 80 80                            Fax   : +47 2 52 85 10
E-mail : ...!mcvax!ndosl!fdmetd!steinar  or       steinar at fdmetd.uucp
<The opinions expressed, if any, do not represent Fellesdata a.s>

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