Possible Zmodem bug?

Trevor Paquette paquette at cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Fri Jun 16 03:54:06 AEST 1989

   I think I have found a bug in Zmodem and was wondering if anyone has a fix
 for it. The problem is this: I have the latest version of rz/sz (3.03) and
 have compiled it for a Sun4 running Sun OS 4.0.1 ('make bsd'). I can xfer
 all files using zmodem just fine and dandy but it can't seem to handle
 'ZOO' files. This is specific to the Sun only. Now I don't know if this
 is a problem with the BSD version of rz/sz or a problem with the OS itself.
   I can send ZOO files from a local BBS here just fine, but I can't do it
 with ZOO files from our Unix system.
   Has anyone else encountered this problem? and if so do you have some sort
 of fix?
   Oh yeah.. These are the errors that I get on my end (the recieving end) of
 the xfer (I am using JrComm and an Amiga 2000):
    Data subpacket length to long & Garbage count exceeded


Trevor Paquette/GraphicsLand, Calgary, Alberta    Calgary Flames
.{ubc-cs,utai,alberta}!calgary!paquette          Stanley Cup Champions 1989
calgary!paquette at cs.ubc.ca                        The beginning of a dynasty!

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