VT100 compatibility on a Silicon Graphics IRIS

Ramon F Herrera ramon at skye.mit.edu
Thu Dec 13 14:54:01 AEST 1990

Hello, Silicon Graphics (System V) wizards out there:

How can I make the delete key work properly if I login from
a DEC (Ultrix/VMS/VT100 terminal) device into a Silicon
Graphics computer?  The DELete key doesn't work, so I have
to use ^H instead.  I have tried:

% set term = vt100 (before login)
% setenv TERM vt100 (before login)
% stty erase DEL (after login)

but they don't do the trick.  Is the terminfo file distributed
with the SG machines erroneous??  Should I just add some 'stty'
statement to my 'dot' files, or should the terminfo file be

After I wrote this message, I played a little bit and I found out
that the following solves my problem:

% stty erase \<DEL><RETURN>

Instead of <DEL>, I can press any key and it still works, so my
new question is: how can I include this fix in a .login or .cshrc
(Also, I would like to hear some opinions from terminfo hackers!)
I tried the obvious like:

%stty erase \0177 (I TYPED it, it was not in a script!)

but it doesn't work.


Ramon Herrera
ramon at iona.mit.edu

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