
Larry Wall lwall at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV
Tue Jan 16 11:12:47 AEST 1990

In article <25b16c0c:746comp.unix.questions at tronsbox.UUCP> tron1 at tronsbox.UUCP (HIM) writes:
: Hmm.. I am having soime trouble with a local problem and I am sure it is
: only because I am not familiar enough with UNIX to choose the right tool.
: I have some text that is broken with nl's at the wrong place (I run a BBS
: and these are files I have been uploaded...
: Like:
:         This is a test of the errors I have seen in some of the tex
:         t
:         files I have and I really need a way to fix them.
:         This is a new paragraph.
: I would like it to put the "t" at the end of TEXT where it belongs and
: reformat that text so that it is correct BUt recognize that 2 nl's in a row
: are a new paragraph.
: As a bonus, the ability to set the left and right margons for the indent and
: wordwrap would help!

You've asked for a very difficult thing, unless you can give a better
rule for where the spurious nl's occur, such as "every n chars", or
"it's always the last word in the line".

Still, one can do a reasonable approximation of correctness.  Here is a
semi-solution, assuming you have perl 3.0, and enough memory to slurp
in /usr/dict/words.  It errs on the conservative side, in that if both
ends of a line break are real words, it doesn't combine them, resulting
in an occasional extra space in the middle of a word.  It could easily be
made to err on the other side, so that you'd have occasional words combined
that made a compound word accidentally across a line break.

You get the bonus of specifying your left and right margins.  I also
took the liberty of adding a -i flag to specify the indent on each

Larry Wall
lwall at jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov

: make a subdirectory, cd to it, and run this through sh.
echo 'If this kit is complete, "End of kit" will echo at the end'
echo Extracting nonl
sed >nonl <<'!STUFFY!FUNK!' -e 's/X//'
X# Usage: nonl -l left_margin -r right_margin -i indent [files]
X$left = 0;
X$right = 72;
X$indent = 0;
Xwhile ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-(.*)/) {
X    $_ = $1;
X    shift;
X    if (s/^l//) {
X	$left = $_;
X	$left = shift if $left eq '';
X    }
X    elsif (s/^i//) {
X	$indent = $_;
X	$indent = shift if $indent eq '';
X    }
X    elsif (s/^r//) {
X	$right = $_;
X	$right = shift if $right eq '';
X    }
X    else {
X	die "Unrecognized switch: -$_\n";
X    }
X# The following kludge let's us define a format at run-time, since formats
X# don't parse right inside eval yet.
Xopen(TMP,">/tmp/nonl$$") || die "Can't create /tmp/nonl$$: $!\n";
Xprint TMP "format STDOUT =\n";
Xprintf TMP "%s^%s\n\$new\n",
X    ' ' x ($left + $indent), '<' x ($right - $left - 1 - $indent)
X	if $indent;
Xprintf TMP "%s^%s~~\n\$new\n",
X    ' ' x $left, '<' x ($right - $left - 1);
Xprint TMP "\n.\n";
Xclose TMP;
Xsystem "cat /tmp/nonl$$" if $debug;
Xdo "/tmp/nonl$$"; die $@ if $@;		# so define the format already
Xunlink "/tmp/nonl$$";
X# Slurp /usr/dict/words into associative array
Xopen(WORDS,'/usr/dict/words') || die "Can't open /usr/dict/words: $!\n";
Xwhile (<WORDS>) {
X    chop;
X    y/A-Z/a-z/;			# canonicalize
X    ++$word{$_};
X$/ = '';		# enable paragraph mode
X$= = 10000000;		# no top of forms
Xprint "Ready\n" if $debug;
Xwhile (<>) {
X    @old = split(/(\s)/);	# note we use () to include delimiters in @old
X    @new = ();
X    while ($#old > 0) {
X	if ($old[0] =~ /^\s$/) {	# discard old delimiters
X	    shift(@old);
X	    next;
X	}
X	$word1 = shift(@old);
X	push(@new,$word1);
X	if ($old[0] eq "\n" && $#old > 0) {	# Maybe bad break?
X	    if ($word1 =~ /[.?!]['"]?$/) {		# Sentence break.
X		push(@new,'');				# Force extra space.
X		next;
X	    }
X	    next if $word1 =~ /[,;:'")]$/;		# end of clause, so ok
X	    $word2 = $old[1];
X	    next if $word2 =~ /^[('"]/;			# beg of clause, so ok
X	    $word1 =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;			# canonicalize words
X	    $word1 =~ s/[^a-z']//;
X	    $word2 =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
X	    $word2 =~ s/[^a-z']//;
X	    if (!$word{$word1} || !$word{$word2}) {	# if either isn't a word
X		if ($word{$word1 . $word2}) {		# and the combo is...
X		    shift(@old);			# chuck naughty \n
X		    $new[$#new] =~ s/-$//;		# chuck any hyphenation
X		    $new[$#new] .= shift(@old);		# glue 2nd half on
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X    }
X    push(@new,$old[0]) unless $old[0] =~ /^\s$/;
X    $new = join(' ', at new);
X    write;				# this will do text filling for us
echo ""
echo "End of kit"
: I do not append .signature, but someone might mail this.

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