RCS: how do you freeze a configuration?

Urs Meyer meyer at gorgo.ifi.unizh.ch
Tue Mar 27 01:34:24 AEST 1990


I followed the recent discussion about rcs (and sccs), specifically the
symbolic revision numbers are of interest.  One question remains open in
my opinion.  Say, you have a collection of files, each with a (possibly)
different revision number.  In order to create a configuration ready to
be released, I'd like to assign the same symbolic name to the latest
revision of each file, s.t. the symbol is fixed to the latest revision

Walter Tichy mentioned in his paper (SW P&E) the rcsfreeze command which
"assigns the same symbolic revision number to a given revision in all 
RCS files. ..."  This seems to be what I am looking for.
But neither 4.3BSD nor IRIX 3.2 have rcsfreeze.  Where is it?
Are there any workarounds?

Urs Meyer ---------- meyer at ifi.unizh.ch, {uunet,...}!mcsun!cernvax!unizh!meyer
University of Zurich, Dept of Computer Science, Multimedia Lab, CH-8057 Zurich

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