screen program information

BURNS,JIM gt0178a at prism.gatech.EDU
Wed Sep 26 19:13:58 AEST 1990

in article <2561 at ehq-ir-1.UK.Sun.COM>, henkl at glorantha (Henk Langeveld - Sun Nederland) says:

> Well, that's one problem I have with 'screen',  when logged in from home
> over a 1200 bps line and I type 'cat HUGEFILE' in stead of 'less HUGEFILE' 
> I have to bash ^C real fast, or spend the next ten minutes waiting for
> the file to flow by.  Apparently, interrupts aren't handled
> asynchronously by 'screen'.   No matter what I do, the only way to 
> get out of it is to switch the modem off and on, and build a new
> connection. 

I don't know how your system buffering works, but I never have to wait
longer than about 1 min. till ^C takes effect. About the same time for
kill (^A-c) also.

Georgia Institute of Technology, Box 30178, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
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