setting or retaining the date of a file

Paul Falstad pfalstad at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Sat Mar 30 17:04:11 AEST 1991

phil at (Phil Howard KA9WGN) wrote:
>I have a bunch of files in which the date of the file has a particular
>meaning to me.  I want to retain the dates.  However I also want to sort
>these files as well.  I don't want to end up with a bunch of sorted files
>dated today.

I believe the system V version of touch can change file datestamps.  At
least, /usr/5bin/touch on a SunOS system can do it.  

Of course, it's trivial to write (this is sans error checking):

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
int argc;
char **argv;
struct stat buf;
struct timeval x[2];

   x[0].tv_sec = buf.st_atime;
   x[1].tv_sec = buf.st_mtime;

Paul Falstad, pfalstad at | 10 PRINT "PRINCETON CS"
[Your blood pressure just went up.]          | 20 GOTO 10
Princeton University would like to apologize to everyone for this article.

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