Less (was: Re: Background writes in csh)

Kartik Subbarao subbarao at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Tue Sep 25 23:07:22 AEST 1990

>In <2715 at idunno.Princeton.EDU> subbarao at phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Me) writes:
>>Does any body have any suggestions as to how
>>I can make less behave like more?

Thanks one and all for the many responses I got to the question. It turned out
that when I did RTFM, it was for an earlier version (I think) which did not
support the -E or -e options. I RTFM again, and I got my problem solved. Again,


(I need a new .signature -- any suggestions?)
subbarao@{phoenix or gauguin}.Princeton.EDU -|Internet
kartik at silvertone.Princeton.EDU (NeXT mail)       -|	
subbarao at pucc.Princeton.EDU		          - Bitnet

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