Duelling shells (Re: shell architecture (to glob or not to glob))

Tom Christiansen tchrist at convex.COM
Wed Mar 20 00:41:14 AEST 1991

>From the keyboard of peter at ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva):
:In article <669304840 at juliet.cs.duke.edu> drh at duke.cs.duke.edu (D. Richard Hipp) writes:
:> In article <1407 at sheol.UUCP> throopw at sheol.UUCP (Wayne Throop) writes:
:> >...[R]enaming groups of files is a common
:> >enough task
:Is it? When was the last time you did this, other than moving files from
:one directory to another?
:> >that *some* tool (whather mv or not) ought to be around to
:> >handle it.
:> ls *.x | sed -e 's/\.x//' | while read name; do mv $name.x $name.y; done;
:ls *.x | sed 's/\(.*\).x/mv & \1.y/' | sh

from the FAQ...  try rename:

    $ rename 's/\.x$/.y/' *.x

program and man page follow.  link /usr/local/bin/rename to
/usr/local/man/man1/rename.1; the code was orginally much shorter before i
added the -i flag (like mv's) to lwall's initial code.


# $Header: rename,v 90/08/09 03:17:57 lwall Locked $
# $Log:	rename,v $
# Revision  90/08/09  03:17:57  lwall
# patch19: added man page for relink and rename

if ($ARGV[0] eq '-i') {
    if (open(TTYIN, "</dev/tty") && open(TTYOUT,">/dev/tty")) {
($op = shift) || die "Usage: rename [-i] perlexpr [filenames]\n";
if (!@ARGV) {
    @ARGV = <STDIN>;
for (@ARGV) {
    unless (-e) {
	print STDERR "$0: $_: $!\n";
	$status = 1;
    $was = $_;
    eval $op;
    die $@ if $@;
    if ($was ne $_) {
	if ($inspect && -e) {
	    print TTYOUT "remove $_? ";
	    next unless <TTYIN> =~ /^y/i;
	unless (rename($was, $_)) {
	    print STDERR "$0: can't rename $was to $_: $!\n";
	    $status = 1;
exit $status;

	# These next few lines are legal in both Perl and nroff.

.00;			# finish .ig
'di			\" finish diversion--previous line must be blank
.nr nl 0-1		\" fake up transition to first page again
.nr % 0			\" start at page 1
';<<'.ex'; #__END__ ############# From here on it's a standard manual page ############
.TH RENAME 1 "July 30, 1990"
.AT 3
rename \- renames multiple files
.B rename [-i] perlexpr [files]
.I Rename
renames the filenames supplied according to the rule specified as the
first argument.
The argument is a Perl expression which is expected to modify the $_
string in Perl for at least some of the filenames specified.
If a given filename is not modified by the expression, it will not be
If no filenames are given on the command line, filenames will be read
via standard input.
.B \-i
flag will prompt to remove the old file first if it exists.  This
flag will be ignored if there is no tty.
For example, to rename all files matching *.bak to strip the extension,
you might say

	rename 's/\e.bak$//' *.bak

To translate uppercase names to lower, you'd use

	rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *

To do the same thing but leave Makefiles unharmed:

	rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/ unless /^Make/' *

To rename all the *.f files to *.BAD, you'd use

	rename 's/\e.f$/.BAD/' *.f

No environment variables are used.
Larry Wall
If you give an invalid Perl expression you'll get a syntax error.
.I Rename
does not check for the existence of target filenames, so use with care.

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