Running DOS Programs while under UNIX

D'Arcy J.M. Cain darcy at druid.uucp
Thu Dec 6 12:27:10 AEST 1990

In article <201 at> Thomas Hoberg writes:
>... I heard some rumors that Unix vendors are looking into
>DPMI (Dos Protected Mode Interface). With DPMI functionality integrated into
>the Unix Kernel and a GDI-to-X interface, running Windows applications under
>Unix would be a natural rather than a kludge. Maybe it's time to ask your
>Unix vendor about DPMI.....

No! Yucch! Not on my machine. Ptooie.  Barf.

Vendors, please keep this garbage out of the kernel.  If anyone wants to
run DOS they can get DOS.  Don't drag my system down to the lowest
common denominator.  That's what OS/2 is for.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain (darcy at druid)     |
D'Arcy Cain Consulting             |   There's no government
West Hill, Ontario, Canada         |   like no government!
+1 416 281 6094                    |

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