1024 cylinder limit for MFM drives?

Ira Baxter baxter at zola.ics.uci.edu
Tue Dec 11 16:46:35 AEST 1990

I have an MFM Maxtor 2190 drive with 1224 cylinders.  I naturaly want to
use all 1224 cylinders.   I am (technically cheating, but it works
reliably) using an RLL WD1006SRV2 controller, and set the drive type
to 1, and the cylinder count to 1224.  The ISC ADDHARDDISK script
notices the 1224 cylinders, and truncates it back to 1024 with
some cryptic remark about BIOS limitations.

Is there no way around this?  How do ESDI, SCSI drives handle this?
[I assume the "BIOS" limitations for such drives isn't present].

Ira Baxter

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