inbound news is suddenly failing

Tin Le tin at
Thu Nov 8 12:43:03 AEST 1990

In article <1990Nov7.041739.18690 at unixland.uucp> bill at unixland.uucp (Bill Heiser) writes:
>I know this was discussed not too long ago, but I don't have the 
>resources to archive old news (so the articles have been expired).
>(Larry, was it you that had this problem?)
>Yesterday my inbound news started failing (CNEWS).  My logfile is
>filling up with the following messages:
>relaynews: error writing `/usr/lib/news/history', probably the disk filled (File too large)
>relaynews: error closing history file

   The error mesg: "(File too large)" should be a good clue.  It's your
   ulimit that is too low.  Add a "ulimit 5000;" to your crontab where you
   run the news programs.

-- Tin

. Tin Le                    Work Internet: tin at smsc.Sony.COM
. Sony Microsystems              UUCP: {uunet,mips}!sonyusa!tin
. Work: (408) 944-4157      Home Internet: tin at

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