AT&T SysV Rel 4.0 - Cry for installation help...

Dave Hayes dave at
Wed May 15 05:17:55 AEST 1991

gantzm at (gantzm) writes:

>        System boots from boot disks and prepares hard disk fine.  
>System then reboots off of the hard disks.  System asks if I want
>to install from Tape or Floppy disk, I answer Tape bacause thats
>all I have.  Well after that, the tape light comes on, nothing happens
>, and the system then tells me to check my tape drive....

I had the same problem with two different vendors...and it turned
out that when I used the floppy drive version from one
worked just fine. Turns out that there needs to be some kernel support
for the tape drive you tha I can figure anyway.

I'd suggest trying to get a copy of the floppy disk version of the
OS. I spent over a month and a half with this problem.

Dave Hayes - Network & Communications Engineering - JPL / NASA - Pasadena CA
dave at       dave at           ames!elroy!dxh

   "It is a dragon, destroyer of all," cried the ants. 
                                   Then a cat caught the lizard.

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