AT&T SysV Rel 4.0 - Cry for installation help...

gantzm gantzm at
Tue May 14 08:52:28 AEST 1991

Ok here's the situation:
                ALR Business VEISA 486/33
                17 Mega Bytes Memory
                Western Digital MFM controller
                40 Mb Hard Disk 0
                32 Mb Hard Disk 1
                Monochrome display and card
                Archive VP402 Adapter Card
                Archive 60 Mb Tape Drive / Model 2060L???
                Nothing else, all serial/par ports taken out.

                AT&T Unix System V Rel 4.0 (Ver 2.1)
                Cartridge Tape Boot Version (2 boot disk/tape, etc)

        System boots from boot disks and prepares hard disk fine.  
System then reboots off of the hard disks.  System asks if I want
to install from Tape or Floppy disk, I answer Tape bacause thats
all I have.  Well after that, the tape light comes on, nothing happens
, and the system then tells me to check my tape drive....

        Has anyone gotten AT&T SysV Rel 4.0 to load off of an Archive
tape drive?????  I followed the settings in the book (IRQ=5, DMA=1,
port = 288) and it doesn't work.  I talked to Archive and they said
to try port = 300, well on the address the tape light does not even
come on.  The Unix guru at Archive is out of the country till June.

        If anyone can help, Thanks in advance.....
BTW: Yes, I'm the one with the SCSI problem, trying to get something
to run, so I can rebuild the kernel......

        The saga continues...

Michael L. Gantz         | gantzm at
213 Napoleon Rd.         | osu-cis!bgsuvax!gantz!gantzm
Bowling Green, Oh 43402  | Mellon!  I had only to speak the Elvish word for 
(419) 353-5029           | friend and the doors opened.  - J.R.R. Tolkien

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