1st book for Ultrix novices

chuck at mitlns.mit.edu chuck at mitlns.mit.edu
Thu Jul 19 02:22:45 AEST 1990


  I've been asked to post this for the theory group here which recently
got several DEC Stations. 

  What is a good book to for a first time Ultrix user to get started with?
These are smart people with VMS experience. They don't want to learn
about operating systems just what they need to work effectively as
quickly as possible. However, there is no expert available for the 
hard problems so they need something with depth too. Perhaps the
DEC manuals are the best they can do for the complicated problems.

  I assume this has been dealt before, if so maybe someone kept a summary?
If not or there is enough interest noted I'll post a summary.

				Thanks for your time,
				Chuck Parsons

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