Need assistance getting around a SCSI bug (through Ultrix)

AJ Casamento ajc at
Thu Apr 18 16:13:10 AEST 1991

  John Woolverton writes:

	>> I have a "real cheap" SCSI drive on it (Newbury NDR5380) that
	   doesn't support (very well) SCSI disconnect. <<

	>> Does anyone have any idea how to get the DECstation to not do
	   SCSI disconnects anymore? <<

  Just being my normally paranoid self, I'd rather work with Newbury to fix
the drive. I also don't recommend trying to make our SCSI driver not use 
certain SCSI commands to cover a SCSI compliance problem. I don't know, but
I'm hoping, that this could be fixed with a firmware modification. While I
am not familiar with Newbury if they are willing to try and solve the problem
you might have them get in touch with us in one of the following manners:


	triadd at

	415.853.0155 FAX

  We'll do what we can to make sure the disk drive works on our DECstations.
We'll be happy to help if we can.


P.S. This isn't necessarily a "hopeless" or "long-term" problem. We recently
     were able to help a High volume third party disk drive supplier understand
     that their disk drive firmware wasn't providing an ID back after reset
     within a 2x factor of the ANSI specified time-out and they were able to
     provide a test version of new firmware in less than 10 days.

      * AJ Casamento			"The question is not whether or    *
      * Digital's TRI/ADD Program	 not they are my opinions; but     *
      * 100 Hamilton Ave. UCO1-B	 rather, which of my personalities *
      * Palo Alto, CA 94301-1616	 do they belong to?		   *
      * 415.853.6744							   *
      * ajc at						   *

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