Getting MIT/R4 clients to run on DECnet

Richard P. Signell rsignell at
Thu Mar 7 03:17:56 AEST 1991

When I try to build R4 clients on my DECstation 5000
with Ultrix 4.1, I often have problems finding include files.
Are they missing or they just have different locations
than the MIT X11/R4?

Are the DEC supplied include files compatible with R4, as
their libraries are under Ultrix 4.1?

Finally, when I build clients on a system where we built 
X11/R4 from MIT, the clients build fine, but won't run
using the DECnet protocol.  What's the problem here?

Thanks for any assistance...
Rich Signell               |   rsignell at
U.S. Geological Survey     |   (508) 548-8700
Quissett Campus            |   "You need a license to dig clams...
Woods Hole, MA  02543      |      ... but anybody can have kids."

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