Backup media choice

AJ Casamento ajc at
Fri May 24 13:10:33 AEST 1991

  In his note Jim Ray writes:

  >> What is the general feeling about 8mm and 4mm tape systems as an
  >> alternative?

I like them just fine. We use 8mm almost exclusively here in our design
group and it works very well. If you are doing archival backup (either
nightly incremental or weekly full style) and only restoring occasionally
either due to a lost file or a catastrophic failure I would recommend
the 8mm drives (Mountain or TTI seem to work just fine, but I'm sure most
of them will). If you're recalling files on a frequent basis then the
faster search time of the 4mm may mean a great deal more to you. However,
the 4mm is slower to write and has lower capacity per tape.

If you're doing a wide network backup at Harris, you might want to give
some consideration to:

	Magnus	from SUMMUS Computer Systems

	Dual 8mm drives, a 54 tape carousel, 19" rack mount, 125-270GB

	They also are OEM's of Legato's Networker software which can be
	a real win on late night, unattended, heterogeneous network backups.

	800.255.9638	Sales
	713.492.6611	Debbie Denison
	713.492.0092	FAX

  (I happen to like the solution, but this statement should not be taken
   as a warranty, expressed or implied) The legal people make me say that ;-)

    >> What experiences have people had with dec's new solution?

  None. Sorry.

    >> Thanks, in advance....

  No worries.


      * AJ Casamento			"The question is not whether or    *
      * Digital's TRI/ADD Program	 not the opinions are mine; but    *
      * 100 Hamilton Ave. UCO1-B	 rather, which of my personalities *
      * Palo Alto, CA 94301-1616	 do they belong to?"		   *
      * 415.853.6744							   *
      * ajc at						   *

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