Need help on TERMCAP for CYBERNEX LGR-1

Dave Mason mason at utcsrgv.UUCP
Thu Jun 30 02:58:22 AEST 1983

I have a terminal with cursor addressing that uses <nul> origin ASCII
characters (BCDed no less) for the column number.  Everything works fine
except around column 9 where presumably the <TAB> character is being avoided.
This isn't neccessary, and screws everything up.  I tried setting the parity
in that character, but it doesn't seem to care.  Here is the termcap I'm
currently using:

	Any help gratefully accepted..

-- Gandalf's flunky Hobbit -- Dave Mason, U. Toronto, CSRG
	    utcsrgv!mason at UW-BEAVER   (ARPANet)
	or  {cornell,watmath,ihnp4,floyd,allegra,utzoo,uw-beaver}!utcsrgv!mason
	or  {cwruecmp,duke,linus,lsuc,research}!utzoo!utcsrgv!mason(UUCP)

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