
mark.umcp-cs%udel-relay at sri-unix.UUCP mark.umcp-cs%udel-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
Thu Jun 9 12:25:02 AEST 1983

From:  Mark Weiser <mark.umcp-cs at udel-relay>

	From: Mike Muuss <unix-wizards-request at brl-vgr>
	The other day I FTP'ed in the backlog of un-sent messages
	which had been accumulating at SRI-CSL....  They totaled
	about 800 Kbytes, and printed out, it was a stack of paper
	two inches high.
	Right now I still harbor the idea of trying to dole out the
	"interesting" messages in the backlog, possibly in special
	"digests", just to catch up, but I am loath to transmit more
	than a few dozen Kbytes/day for fear of filling disks and
	such like.  Any comments?

If you send 50kb a day for a while you'll be caught up in less
than a month.  Any site should be able to handle 50kb per day,
especially if the administrators are warned ahead of time that
it will be coming (as they will be since this is unix wizards).
I'd say send ahead.  I'm anxious to see it all.  

If you want to spend the time to select and digestify I have no
objection, but I don't think it is necessary.

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