4.2 progressive or dead end

Professor X north at down.UUCP
Thu Apr 12 01:18:05 AEST 1984

Some sites run 4.2 because they want the network support.  Believe me,
that's the *only* reason we're even thinking about it.  Some sites run
4.2 because they don't want to be left behind, now that 4.1 is passe'.
But I don't know anyone running 4.2 who thinks it's Truly Wonderful.
Those who have gone through the painful cut-over are in a better position
to say than I.  In certain quarters the perception is that Bell Labs Edition 8
would stomp all over 4.2 if it would be released.

It still amazes me that, simply because a bunch of grad student hacker droids
at Berkeley unleashed 4.2 (with *gasp* SENDMAIL) on us, the Unix community feels
so obliged to accept.

	Stephen C North

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